
Great Planning with the best exhibition stand design company in Frankfurt is the Secret to Success

exhibition stand design company in Frankfurt

Attending exhibitions can be one of the best ways to increase your exposure and generate leads. It is typically a small space designed to attract and engage visitors to generate leads, make sales, or spread brand awareness. But you will agree that it is an expensive business, including various things such as a good exhibition stand design company in Frankfurt. The exhibitions can attract many potential customers. To maximize your return on investment, you need to impress and stand out from the crowd so that you’re remembered. It can include signage, banners, graphics, audiovisual devices, product displays, and interactive elements such as touch screens or virtual reality experiences.

It is therefore important to ensure perfect planning and construction of the exhibition stand. Designing and building effective exhibition booth designs in Frankfurt requires careful planning and attention to detail. Here are some things to make your exhibit a success with the assistance of the best exhibition stand contractor in Frankfurt:

Set your exposure goals!

The first and foremost is to clarify why you want to participate in the exhibition. Will you sell more services or products? Need more leads? Maybe you’re about to launch a new product and want to see early reactions and feedback from a specific audience. In any case, the exhibition booth designs in Frankfurt should reflect these goals. Make sure you clearly define why you are attending the exhibition and what communication you intend to convey with your stand to the public. The design and construction of an exhibition stand should consider these reasons.

Consider incorporating your brand personality and image into the overall design of your stand. Ask your exhibition booth builder in Frankfurt that colors shouldn’t be the only thing representing a brand.

Keep your key message short and sweet

Make sure all key messages are visible by placing them higher up. It can be done by raising walls or placing an eye-catcher at a height of more than 4m. Trust the power of repetition. It is important to place your company logo in different places on your stand. Limit your message to a few strong, large, and readable single-line texts that draw attention from afar.

Stand Space

Floor space may limit the length and width of the exhibition booth designs in Frankfurt, but the extent is minimal. Ultimately, the budget and exhibition objectives will determine the floor space of the stand. First, you should ask yourself why your exhibition needs a certain floor and wall space. The most common areas where exhibitors need specific instructions for setting up their stand are conference rooms, storage areas, lounge areas, product display shelves, and reception desks. Reserving stand space a year in advance or shortly after the current show ends can be surprisingly rewarding as you have more options and the chance to reserve stand space at a lower price.

Create an attractive stand design

Your exhibition booth designs in Frankfurt should be visually appealing and appealing. Grab attention with bold graphics, colors, and lighting. Integrate interactive elements such as product demonstrations and games to engage and motivate your visitors. Make sure the image layout and resolution are correct. Make sure to check with the exhibition stand design company in Frankfurt about the delivery specifications of the design in the image.

Image quality

Use images that are not of suitable quality. Images must be of the correct resolution and arranged in the correct layout. By doing this, you can prevent the print from becoming grainy or faded. A good image creates a strong brand image.

Train your employees

Your employees are the ambassadors for your exhibition. Ensure they know about your product or service and can answer visitor questions. Teach your visitors to be friendly and social.

Choose the appropriate color

Several factors determine the color of the stand. An experienced exhibition stand contractor in Frankfurt will know how to use common home styles, color elements, and logos, but you should also consider the desired behavior of your visitors. Color psychology is complex, and people behave differently depending on the color. The colors and shades you choose for your display can help make your message stand out and promote it. Cool colors like blue, green, and white look professional but don’t attract as much attention. Warm colors like red, orange, and yellow are more appealing but can quickly become overwhelming. In addition, not all colors are available in standard carpets, so the entire stand must form a visual whole.


The location is the most important factor when setting up an exhibition stand. The traffic organization in the exhibition hall determines the position of your stand. It also determines your exhibition stand’s entry and exit point and POS banner design. You can find out by getting a detailed floor plan from the show organizers.


First, decide what kind of support you want to use. It is where your exhibition booth builder in Frankfurt comes in to help you choose your options and find the best way to bring your idea to life. Make sure you hire a professional exhibition stand design company in Frankfurt to set up your stand under the guidance of a manager who will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Offer specials

Offering specials, discounts, or freebies can be a great way to attract visitors to your stand. Make sure the offer is visible and easy to understand.

Stick to the plan

Pick a theme and use it consistently throughout the stand, along with your branding and message. Ensure to have distinctive yet recognizable exhibition booth designs in Frankfurt with backgrounds, banners, giveaways, and brochures. Both when driving to the fair and following all the tracks after the exhibition.


Never rely solely on the lighting provided by the show promoters. Always have your lighting setup ready to ensure you can decide what mood and atmosphere you want to create for your visitors at your exhibition stand. Colored lighting is great for adding a theme to your display design. Ask your exhibition stand design company in Frankfurt for good lighting and composition.

Use Social Media

Use social media to interact with visitors before, during, and after the exhibition to promote your presence at the exhibition. Use exhibition hashtags and encourage visitors to share their impressions of your stand.

Make it interactive

It is possible to capture visitors’ attention by incorporating passive activities such as viewing a video screen. Offer a game where visitors can win a prize. Integrate touchscreens or place an iPad where a visitor can request more information about your organization or product. Product demonstrations are also a good way to interact with customers.


It depends on what theme you want to portray in your exhibition booth designs in Frankfurt. Are you trying to look wasteful, sober, and professional? If so, laminate flooring is a better option than carpet. Flooring can enhance the tactile elements of your stand as long as it matches the tone you’re trying to set. These platforms can also hide all electrical wiring, freeing up space and reducing clutter.

Stand design presentation

Hire an exhibition stand design company in Frankfurt that offer a fully assembled stand as the ideal place to tell your story, showcase your products, and market yourself to interested visitors. Once your stand has done its job and attracted visitors, it’s your turn to keep them there. So, prepare your presentation in advance. Exhibitions can be very noisy and will compete with the noise of visitors and other stands. Therefore, using a microphone can effectively convey your message.

Stay alert

If you have other visual devices on, ensure they are off while speaking so that everyone’s eyes are on you. Encourage your visitors to participate, which is a great way to keep them interested. Allow them to ask questions and participate in demonstrations to see how the product works. You should practice your presentation as much as possible before the exhibition.

If you need advice on designing and building a great exhibition stand or ideas for exhibition booth designs in Frankfurt, connect with Messe Masters, the best exhibition stand design company in Frankfurt.

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